A day in the life of online school for Gabriela and John with Jessica (mom and Learning Coach).
Favorite Subject(s)
Working on Cars
Favorite Subject(s)
Drawing, Singing
Why K12?
Jessica wanted an option where her teens could focus on their schoolwork and where she wouldn't be worried about their safety at the same time. K12-powered school has worked well to ease her concerns and provide career exploration and prep for Gabriela and John.
Family Schedule
Learning Coaches typically spend between 1 to 3 hours each day with high school students like Gabriela and John, providing guidance and encouragement.
High schoolers are generally more independent, but in their household, Gabriela is the more independent person. She's super organized and on top of her classes and assignments, trying to get as much done in a day as possible, so things are done ahead of time. John needs a few more reminders to stay on track, and online school allows for that as he builds his independence.
Why did you switch to online school?
The number of classes students take varies per grade level and individual. For example, 9th and 11th grade students like John and Gabriela typically take between 3–6 subjects each semester, with maybe 2–3 of those requiring scheduled, live classes.
Gabriela takes extra elective classes, so she actually has seven live classes to attend on some days. The other subjects are completed via self-guided assignments and skills labs in the K12 interactive online learning system.
In addition to core academic subjects like English, math, science, and social studies, K12-powered schools have a great selection of electives, including career-specific courses like those in business that Gabriela and John take through Stride Career Prep.
Classes schedules may vary considerably based on the individual student and their needs, state, and any special programs.
Why do you like online school?
How do the teachers support your family?
Do you have any advice for families that might be considering online school?
More Q & A with the Family
What do your breaks look like during the day?
John: I work with my dad on the cars in between my classes during the day. I really like trying to figure out the puzzle of what's causing the problem with a car's engine.
Gabriela: I really like to read, so you can find me with a book on a lot of my breaks. My grandma sends me novels so I'm often reading my way through one of those. I like to bake, too, so sometimes I do that in between my schoolwork.
How was your family's transition to online school?
Gabriela: The thing I had the hardest time with was not seeing my friends face-to-face as much, I was really concerned about that at first. Now though, I've gotten used to connecting to them in other ways and seeing them outside of school, like at church. I've made friends through my online classes, too, especially business class, and we talk outside of school.
What is it like doing school at home with your whole family?
Gabriela: I really like it. My mom is my Learning Coach, which simply means she's there to help me stay on track and try to figure things out when I get stuck. She's really great at encouraging me and John, she's the best cheerleader for us. My dad is really good with math, so he helps me with that class. Sometimes we call my uncle for extra math help too.
Jessica: I like having a better idea of what they're doing in school, and having them learning at home lets me do that. It's nice hearing about what they're thinking about doing with their futures as they learn more in their classes. I get see them making those connections for themselves.
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Learning with K12
K12 powers a wide variety of educational options. including tuition-free public schools and tuition-based private schools. See what's available in your area.
These are the stories of real students attending K12-powered schools and their families. Content is a combination of direct quotes and summaries from in-person interviews. Their stories each reflect their experiences at their respective schools. Actual experience can vary by student and school. These pages are designed to reflect a typical day in the life of a student attending an online K12-powered school. Individual class schedules and requirements will vary by state, school, and the individual needs of each student.